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The Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit (CSICU) is a comprehensive care, multi-disciplinary, Level 1 Intensive Care Unit which provides care for cardiac surgical patients ranging from routine to the most advanced, complex life support methods available. The CSICU is comprised of a total of nineteen dedicated critical care beds located in three different modules.


All levels of care are provided for cardiac surgical patients recovering from surgery with acute postoperative management needs or with post-operative complications. Five attending critical care medicine physicians from the Division of Cardiac Anesthesia lead our multi-disciplinary team which includes over 100 critical care nurses, respiratory physiotherapists, registered dieticians, physiotherapists, speech-language pathologists, and a pharmacist, all dedicated to the CSICU. This team structure enables the CSICU staff to expertly deliver all aspects of patient management such as advanced hemodynamic monitoring (including transesophageal echordiography), advanced hemodynamic support (including intra-aortic balloon pump and temporary and long-term ventricular assist devices), advanced ventilatory support (including high frequency oscillation and extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation) sedation, nutrition and renal replacement therapies. Care is provided in close collaboration with our colleagues from the Division of Cardiac Surgery and with a full range of supporting medical and surgical services readily available for consultation.


The CSICU physicians have an active teaching profile within both the University of Ottawa Critical Care Medicine and Anesthesiology programs and the CSICU is a core rotation for critical care medicine fellows and anesthesiology residents. As well the CSICU hosts resident physicians and post-specialty fellows from a variety of post-graduate specialty educational programs including cardiac anesthesiology, cardiology, cardiac surgery, and thoracic surgery. The CSICU also hosts clinical rotations for trainees from all of the health professions working within our team.

Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit

Adult Critical Care Medicine Training Program

University of Ottawa at The Ottawa Hospital

501 Smyth Road

Ottawa, ON  K1H 8L6



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